The Best Superpowers (In Honor of Free Comic Book Day)

 In General Geekiness

In honor of Free Comic Book Day this year (1st Saturday in May), I’ve decided to write a post about which superhero power(s) I believe to be the best. While many are awesome, some are slightly unethical, and a couple come close, there is definitely 1 (okay, maybe 2) that top the list! Keep reading to find out what the best superpower is…

So, what is the best superpower?! Asking that question in a vacuum will yield you endless answers. Instead, I think it’s best to better define the question with at least one narrowing parameter. I could ask what’s the best superpower in the world of fandom or character XZY for instance…but instead I’m going straight for what I know best -Given the modern world that I currently live in, what would the best superpower be?


One of the first powers that jumps to mind is teleportation. Think of all the practical uses for this superpower! Sleep in a little longer in the mornings because you don’t actually have to drive to work. Save money on airline tickets and hassle at the airport by instantly teleporting to the perfect vacation spot. Never miss a long-distance friend or relative since you could easily drop by for dinner once a week at no inconvenience and with no vacation time needed. Overall, this power is pretty self explanatory and very useful, so I’ll leave the list of examples to that!

Star Trek teleportation
Photo credit:
Omnilingualism is the power to instantly speak and understand any language fluently. It makes the list because I believe it would be a cool ability to have. Just think of the traveling and business applications this could have; never suffer from a language barrier again! Pair this guy with teleportation and you’ve literally got the whole world at your fingertips.

Mimicry is the power to copy the power of others. While there aren’t too many superheroes within my neighborhood that have powers to copy, I’m extending this power’s ability to be able to copy the special talents of others -swim like an medal winning Olympian, absorb the super intelligence of a genius, etc. The only issue with this power though, is that you have to come intact with the person whose ability you want to mimic….awesome thinking of all the things you could try out, but not so convenient or lasting.

Super Speed

By super speed, I’m talking Flash (with access to the Speed Force). With this kind of speed, you could essentially duplicate other superpowers such as invisibility, teleportation, time control, flying, and invulnerability. -Enough said! ….except that you’d have to maintain the speed in order to maintain the duplication like quality of the other powers, which would really only be useful in a teleportation-type sense.

Flash running super fast
Photo credit:
Telepathy / Mind Control / Time Control
This is my ‘wishy-washy’ group. I put these three together because while they seem pretty cool, and could have many applications in today’s world, they seem just a bit immoral; especially mind control. I won’t argue that these 3 aren’t some strong powers and could be fun, but in good taste, I don’t think they’re for me (although I am a bit on the fence about the ethical nature of Time Control -nevertheless, there are still two powers that top it anyways).

Telekinesis / Psychokinesis / (or Psionic Manipulation if we’re talking Jean Grey levels)
At their basic roots, TK/PT are the power to manipulate objects with your mind. I could frankly write a whole novel on the intricacies and application of this category, but let’s just try to keep is short for today ;-). With these abilities you could levitate/move objects through space (including yourself), augment physical strength, use objects without touching them, and even manipulate things at the molecular level, essentially changing their structure and makeup if you wish! Of course, those only scratches surface, but they’re a start. With that being said, this of the two superpowers that top my list for being the best. Yes, there are a lot of grey areas with this power too, but as we know; “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Shapeshifting is the power to transform and reshape the form of one’s body; I’ll be talking about it at the omnifarious level -perfect shapeshifting, without limit. This superpower grants you the ability to have complete control over yourself allowing you to manipulate your size, density, shape, state of matter form (solid, liquid, gas or pure energy), and even have the ability to form yourself into many smaller segments should you wish. With this power you could go anywhere you want (dive to the depths of the ocean), do anything you want (be the ultimate hide-and-seek player), or be anything you want (feel what it’s like to be an eagle soaring on the wind). The applications and uses for this fun superpower are beyond abundant; the reason this guy also tops my list!

shapeshifting into a wolf
Photo credit:
What do you guys think? Do you agree or disagree with my top two choices?! If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Let’s chat in the comments below.






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  • Kayly

    I’d have to agree with all of these! Teleportation would be absolutely amazing. So much practical use, and obvious fun use as well!

    • Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

      Absolutely! I could have visited New Zealand by now if I could teleport! 😉

  • Brittany Belling

    Well, I am always saying that I wish I had instant transmission, so I know that would be useful in real life, because there are so many instances where I would use it.
    I think though, that it would be cool to have Matthew Murdock or Olivia Dunham’s abilities, (weird, but they are kind of similar.) Being able to read people would be really handy, and they’re both insanely smart.

  • foxhugh

    I made my own list but the emphasis is on the interesting ways the superpower has been used over the years in comic books.

    • Jessica (aka The Nifty Nerd)

      Thanks for visiting and sharing foxhugh!

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