Policy & Disclaimer

This is a personal blog written by myself. Most of my content is inspired by media which may or may not be copyrighted. I claim no affiliation, ownership, partnership, or creative rights over any of the mentioned brands, names, media, or related items.

Please do not hurt yourself. Always exercise caution when working with supplies and tools used during cooking and DIY projects. Always wear proper safety gear and please follow all manufacturers’ directions and precautions.

I do not share, or sell personal information to third-parties. Any information collected is used solely to improve your visit experience to The Nifty Nerd by customizing content. Any emails collected may be added to the official email newsletter list for The Nifty Nerd. You may opt out of this content at any time, by following the unsubscribe link in any email received.

In order to properly comply with current FTC regulations, and in the interest of maintaining the trust of my readers, I offer the following disclosure policy.
TheNiftyNerd.com is a for profit blog (although that is not the sole purpose of it -I love creating great content for my readers). All posts that contain affiliate links, are sponsored content, or that contain free products that I’ve received will be disclosed within the post itself. Additionally, these links (affiliates & paid ads) may also appear in the sidebar. Revenue generated by ads and purchases made through affiliate links help me to pay for web hosting and other expenses generated by delivering great content to you.
Please note that any compensation received will not influence my opinion. I do not accept payments in exchange for positive reviews or promotion. If I truly like something, I will let you guys know. If it doesn’t meet my expectations or live up to my quality standards I will also let you know that. My aim is to remain honest with my readers and provide helpful & truthful feedback!

I do use Google Adsense as one method for covering costs. Google Adsense utilizes cookies to track your past web browsing history in order to serve you ads that better fit your interests. You can use your specific browser settings to change or shut off cookies at any time. You can also alter your preferences by visiting Google Ads Settings.

The Nifty Nerd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. You can access Amazon.com’s homepage here.

Content Sharing
If you want to share any of the content on my site, please give credit where credit is due. A  direct mention (either “The Nifty Nerd” or “Jessica from The Nifty Nerd”) and link back to my site works great. Please do not copy and paste large sections of text; you may paraphrase or quote instead.

If you have any questions about any of the above items, please don’t hesitate to ask!